Theresa May visits Paris and Berlin to seek backing for Brexit delay – BBC News

Светский бренд
Светский бренд

The UK Prime Minister Theresa May has spent the day visiting Berlin and Paris in an attempt to get the backing of two of the most influential EU leaders for a delay to Brexit. Downing Street said the Prime Minister's discussions with both the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron focused on the UK’s request for an extension until June 30th to avoid a no-deal exit on Friday. Mrs May's whistle-stop tour comes ahead of the emergency EU summit in Brussels tomorrow. - where she'll propose her plan and the other 27 leaders will decide on what the next steps could be. BBC News at Ten’s Huw Edwards presents the day’s Brexit coverage with contributions from the BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg and Europe editor Katya Adler. Produced for the BBC News at Ten Please subscribe HERE

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