Ep. 5377 – Trevor Aaronson on the FBI’s Latest Fake Terrorism Entrapment – 9/25/2020

Classic Cinephile Chronicles
Classic Cinephile Chronicles

Trevor Aaronson discusses the FBI’s dubious techniques for luring people into fake terrorist plots, which very often border on entrapment. In this case he takes up the story of two Americans involved in the “boogaloo” movement, who were approached by FBI agents masquerading as members of Hamas. The FBI was able to induce these young men into cooperating with a scheme that supposedly would have involved attacks on Israeli soldiers. Whether or not these two were at all likely to have committed crimes in the absence of FBI persuasion, Aaronson explains that they will almost certainly take some kind of plea deal and face serious time in prison, just because that’s the way the justice system is set up in such cases. Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/9-25-20-trevor-aaronson-on-the-fbis-latest-fake-terrorism-entrapment-scheme/ For more on Scott's work: Check out The Libertarian Institute: https://www.libertarianinstitute.org Read Scott's book, Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan: https://foolserrand.us Follow Scott on Twitter using the handle @scotthortonshow: https://twitter.com/scotthortonshow Like Scott's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/scotthortonshow/ And check out Scott's full interview archives: https://scotthorton.org/all-interviews-2/ You can also support Scott's work by making a one-time or recurring donation at https://scotthorton.org/donate/ Or you can donate per interview at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scotthortonshow

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