Welcome to Russia Programme

Мобильные премьеры
Мобильные премьеры

http://bit.ly/2ANZzTK Click Here to Learn More about the Welcome to Russia Programme. I created this programme for all of you that are planning to visit, travel, study, work, or, perhaps, live for some time in Russia. All these tips and secrets were learned through my experiences. I lived all this myself, and now it’s time to share it with you. This programme was also inspired by you. Here, you’ll find the answers to your questions. This programme starts now and never ends. You’ll become a member of an exclusive Explore Russian community with which I’ll be continually sharing new videos and resources. Again, you’ll be choosing the content! This programme is not the end of my journey and the start of yours. It’s the start of our journey in Russia! Добро пожаловать в Россию or … Welcome to Russia!!! I have insider tips and secrets for anyone who plans to visit, travel through, or live in Russia. Have you booked your tickets to Russia? Are you already familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet? Are you ready to get on a Trans-Siberian train? Do you want to dive into the Russian culture? Have you been accepted at a Russian university? Will you be working at the Moscow office next year? Do you want to teach your native language to the Russians? Do you want to make the most of your two weeks in Russia? If you answered “yes” to any of the previous questions, this program is definitely for you. ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO GO THROUGH THE FIRST SET OF VIDEOS? Russian Visas, Russian registration cards, Russian migration cards, accommodations, museums, St. Petersburg, Moscow, must-see, must-do, money, cash machines, sightseeing, transport, metro, taxis, hospitals, health insurance, safety, Russian language tips, best language schools, food, water, restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, shopping, clothes, mobile phone, Internet, haircuts, relocation, staying long term in Russia, flats, bank accounts, mobile banking, interviews, jobs, working visa, loyalty cards, police, culture, making friends, weather, stereotypes, money-saving tips, challenges, Russian mentality, and more! THERE WILL BE EXTRA BONUS ARTICLES WITH ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT • The best places to visit in Moscow and St. Petersburg • Where to buy clothes in Moscow and St. Petersburg • Information centers in both Moscow and St. Petersburg • Some of the best hotels in St. Petersburg • Where and how do Russians spend their holidays? • What music do Russians listen to? • A list of churches you must visit while in Russia • Driving tips, speed tickets, cameras, accidents • How to talk about the weather in Russian • Vocabulary for anyone who wants to have a haircut in Russia Click here -http://bit.ly/2ANZzTK to learn more! ?? All my Tips and Secrets for those who travel to Russia ? http://bit.ly/2ANZzTK ? $480 Discount on Russian Language Lessons in Russia? Email me at angelos@explorerussian.com with the title "400 Discount" ? Learn the Russian Cases through one Film ? http://bit.ly/2qRcFJy ▶️ Subscribe to My Channel ? http://bit.ly/2BaOo7h Angelos' RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Books 1. Learn Russian Diversified ? https://amzn.to/2OMgg59 2. Learn Russian - Basic Phrases ? https://amzn.to/2TgM5q2 3. My Girlfriend is Teaching Me Russian ? https://amzn.to/2qOkK1p All Angelos' SELF-DEVELOPMENT Books 1. How to Take Good Notes ? https://amzn.to/2OMFccx 2. The Superlearner Myth ? https://amzn.to/2TiQB7K 3. How to learn a language NOT in 7 days ? https://amzn.to/2K9HwJX 4. How to Invest in Stocks ? https://amzn.to/2ONaWhT 5. The Art of Persuasion ? https://amzn.to/2Dp3APA 6. The Magic of Less (Minimalism) ? https://amzn.to/2Dql2mE 7. Learn a Language Through Films ? https://amzn.to/2qLm2dM ? Free ACCELERATED LEARNING Course (How to Learn More Effectively) ? http://bit.ly/2zQ3Cee ✎ Free 24 Tips on HOW TO TAKE NOTES ? http://bit.ly/2zsmP9C Website: http://explorerussian.com Website 2! http://livediversified.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelos.georgakis YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AngelosGeorgakis Twitter: https://twitter.com/angelosgeo Email: angelos@explorerussian.com

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