2016 NV APA Conference - ArcoSanti

Светлые истории
Светлые истории

What do an experimental Urban Laboratory in the heart of Arizona’s high grasslands and Fabulous Las Vegas have in common? More than you might think. This session will analyze and compare Arcosanti and Las Vegas in terms of design and urban form, sustainability, mission, and values. The goal is to discover and understand the Parallels, Dissonances and Paradoxes that distinguish these two unique and fascinating settlements when put together side by side. The presentation illustrates the fundamentals of architect Paolo Soleri’s view of urban planning and design, and highlights development patterns and current projects in the City Las Vegas, in an historical perspective. The panel will especially focus on urban design elements and sustainability efforts established by both Arcosanti and Las Vegas. Arcosanti is a project started in 1970 by Italian architect Paolo Soleri. One of Frank Lloyd Wright’s brightest students, Soleri shifted his interests from design and architecture to very progressive concepts of holistic community planning which incorporate economic, social, and environmental solutions for a sustainable future. He coined the term for a new kind of urban form, the Arcology, which blends architecture and ecology. Soleri’s approach to urban planning is oriented toward a strong environmentally conscious development characterized by miniaturization and complexity of the urban form. Arcosanti is the first prototype Arcology that Soleri began building, and so far over seven thousand people from all over the world have contributed to its construction. Arcosanti’s controlled and intentional development features functional design elements that are being experimentally applied to create an outstanding visual and interactive human-scale experience. Part of the most populous metropolitan area of Nevada, since its founding Las Vegas has always been defined by its dynamic character. From railroad town, to worldwide renowned center for hospitality and entertainment, to a city that today is more than ever committed to environmental stewardship. For over two decades ago Las Vegas has made of sustainability one of the top priorities and today is acknowledged as a model for conservation and preservation efforts. Its city-led projects and initiatives culminated in its certification as a 4-STAR Community in 2015 by the STAR Community Rating System. The city is also unique in terms of architectural form and iconic design, which contribute to its popularity in the collective imagination, as well as in terms of its urban fabric, which is somewhat different from what can be observed in most other cities in the southwestern United States. The discussion will outline the paths that these two realities are currently following, and try to visualize future scenarios by analyzing the challenges and opportunities for both places.

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