HDP proposes law on conscientious objection

Романтика медиа-индустрии, любовные истории и медиа-истории любви
Романтика медиа-индустрии, любовные истории и медиа-истории любви

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) submitted to parliament on Aug. 6 a law proposal for the right to conscientious objection. The proposal, prepared by HDP lawmakers Pervin Buldan and İdris Baluken, included amendments to the Turkish penal code, military penal code and military service law. According to the motion, those people calling themselves “conscientious objectors” who refuse to do their military service, which is currently mandatory, for moral, ethical, political, religious or any other reasons, wouldn’t be condemned nor subjected to any inquiry or forms of discrimination due to their decision. As to the ones, of any rank, currently serving in the army and using their right to “conscientious objection,” their rights won’t be in any case restricted, even on the grounds of war or state of emergency, the motion read. The draft law would also provide the persons in question an opportunity to work for any public institutions, NGOs or other organizations working in the public interest instead of military service. They would be paid, covered by social security and would not be discriminated, according to the proposal. This proposal recalled the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) ruling which declared an exemption of military service in order to guarantee the right of conscientious objection.

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