How To Add Keywords In Google Ads - Find And Add Profitable Keywords (2022)

Маркетинг и устойчивое развитие
Маркетинг и устойчивое развитие

In this video on how to add keywords in google ads l will explain how to find and add profitable keywords in google ads in 2022. 0:00 Intro 0:09 Why Add Keywords 1:05 Types Of Keywords 2:50 Finding Keywords 6:08 Adding Keywords 6:22 2nd Way Of Adding Keywords 7:25 How Many Keywords? 9:08 Time Saving Tool 9:48 Adding Different Types Of Keywords Our Links (templates, services, courses, and more) Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos. Keywords: Definition Words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to help determine when and where your ad can appear. The keywords you choose are used to show your ads to people. Select high-quality, relevant keywords for your ad campaign to help you reach only the most interested people, who are more likely to become your customers. When someone searches on Google, your ad could be eligible to appear based on the similarity of your keywords to the person's search terms, as well as your keyword match types. Keywords are also used to match your ad to sites in the Google Network that are related to your keywords and ads. A great keyword list can help improve the performance of your ads and help you to avoid higher prices. Poor keywords can ultimately cause you to have higher prices and lower ad position. You can add match types to your keywords to help control which searches your ad can be matched with. Broad match type Broad match is the default match type and the one that reaches the widest audience. When using broad match, your ad is eligible to appear whenever a user’s search query includes any word in your key phrase, in any order, as well as any word that relates to your keyword. For example, if you use broad match on “luxury car,” your ad might be displayed if a user types “luxury cars,” “fast cars,” or “luxury apartments,” as well as “expensive vehicles” which doesn’t include any of the terms in your keyword. Again, since broad match is the default match type, it’s important to be very careful. Broad match keywords are a great way to drive lots of clicks, but advertisers need to keep a close eye on their search query reports to ensure that they’re not paying for irrelevant traffic that doesn’t convert. You can set up negative keywords to help prevent your ad from showing on searches that aren’t related to your business. For more information on negative keywords, get our free Guide to Controlling Costs with Negative Keywords. Phrase match type Phrase match offers some of the versatility of broad match, but with a higher level of control. Your ad will only appear when a user queries your key phrase using your keywords in the exact order you enter them, but there might be other words either before or after that phrase. In 2019, Google expanded phrase match to include queries containing synonyms, plurals, or close variants of your keyword. So if you are targeting “lawn mowing service” as your key phrase, in addition to showing for lawn mowing service prices, it could now also show for grass cutting services near me. And in addition to showing for seasonal lawn mowing service rates, it could now also show for local lawn cutting services. Exact match type Exact match is the most specific and restrictive of the keyword match types. In previous years, with this match type, users would only see your ad when they typed your exact keyword phrase by itself. For example, if your keyword phrase was “black cocktail dress,” your ad would only be eligible to show up when a user searched for “black cocktail dress” (those words in that exact order) and not for “cocktail dress,” “black dress” or “expensive black cocktail dress.” However, Google has recently made changes to the exact match type so that even when using exact match keywords, your ads might match to searches containing synonyms, plurals, or other variations on your keyword. Keywords in google ads are very important to ensure account success. This video will walk you through step by step on how to find and add profitable keywords in google ads.

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