MPs Reject a No Deal Brexit - Brexit Explained

Hollywood Hot Tips
Hollywood Hot Tips

Yesterday evening (13th March) MPs voted on whether or not they supported a no deal Brexit. But things weren't that simple with Yvette Cooper putting forward the Spelman Amendment. Ultimately the house voted against no deal, saying they wouldn't want to see a hard brexit in any situation; going further than the original vote May set out. Support TLDR on Patreon: Follow TLDR on Instagram: Like TLDR on Facebook: Follow TLDR on Twitter: TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. TLDR is a super small company, run by one person with the help of some amazing voulenteers. We are 100% fan sourced with all of our funding coming from donations and ad revenue. No shady corportations, no one telling us what to say. We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. Help support us by subscribing, following and backing on Patreon. Thanks!

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