Actual Footage Of The Moment Hitler Realizes Hillary Clinton Has Lost The Presidency To Donald Trum

Mysterious Celebrities
Mysterious Celebrities

Hillary Clinton and "progressives" alike, along with the state-sponsored corporate mainstream media, have far more in common with Hitler and Nazi Germany than Donald Trump or any of his supporters could ever have. Both Nazi Germany and the mainstream media were/are both propagandist that played/play the people like puppets using disinformation and propaganda. Donald Trump and true conservatives are in fact the opposite of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Hitler and Nazi Germany were socialist that used a monopolized centralized governing force to dictate to their markets as to how to run every aspect of their enterprise/services. Anything from healthcare, to higher education, and all through the entirety of their markets. The Nazis were also anti gun ownership that stripped the rights of their citizens to possess firearms. And they in fact were globalist truly trying to take over the world utilizing their military strength. These are aspects that the extreme left supports and preaches, not Donald Trump or true conservatives. Donald Trump and his supporters are Nationalist and fiscal conservatives that are against all these interventionist imperialist wars, and believe in Capitalism with balanced budgets and deficits, not socialism. They want to get the government out of meddling in the marketplace, NOT more involved in the marketplace. They believe in free market principles unlike the left. They also are strong supporters of the Second Amendment. The right to bear and keep arms. Trump and his supporters policy positions are the opposite of socialist Nazi Germany. While on the other hand, liberal policies are very aligned with socialist Nazi Germany. Study the facts, not media Nazi/Russian style propaganda. Those who do not believe the mainstream media is engaging in Nazi-style/Russian propaganda, are simply wrong. It's a well-documented fact that the mainstream media has been a government mouthpiece since at least the early 50's. The C.I.A. for example is heavily in the propaganda business and works side-by-side with mainstream media outfits to determine how and what exactly they're going to propagandize to shape the psyche of the American population. It's even listed in their budget reports for the public to clearly see. If people just simply studied the facts in detail, the truth becomes clear. It's all on record and in plain sight. It's not even hidden. Now for those who really would really like to know more about the truth of Nazi Germany and their policies, and how they parallel with modern day liberal philosophy and policies, you can read up on Kitty Werthmann whom experienced Nazi Germany as a young girl and experienced her county Austria get taken over by Hitler and socialism. And has witnessed firsthand the failures and horrors of a centralized monopolized governing force dictating every aspect of the markets and culture to its people through the false hope and claims of socialism. She wants to warn young Americans against following the same misguided socialist ideology that Hitler's youth followed. We can't allow socialist ideology to hypnotize the youth of nations into believing in a sustainable socialist utopia that has never, and can never exist. - Michael Vincent - Video Produced By Cliff Cernek

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