A candle for Gaza (Helsinki)

Великолепные знаменитости
Великолепные знаменитости

16-1-2009 Silent demonstration for the children of Gaza in Helsinki Finland in preparation for the next big demonstration that will be next tuesday. Temperature outside was minus 5 The Gaza holocaust. 
 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article5470047.ece An eye for en eye makes the world blind.
 Stop the massacre.
 Protest against the war and the inhumane and indiscriminate use of white phosphor and depleted uranium against the population of Gaza. Boycott till israeli whit-drawn This is the blog of one of the 8 international humanitarian workers in Gaza now Strong content 
http://guerrillaradio.iobloggo.com/ Boycott list. http://www.boycottisraeligoods.org/modules11748.php YOU CAN SIGN THE PETITION from AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL= here is the link; http://www.amnesty.org.uk/acti ons_details.asp?ActionID=551 WE CAN SIGN THIS PETITION FOR PEACE, PLEASE DO PEACE BE WITH YOU ALL Source; " IRISH PALESTINIAN SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN" for more info go to; www.ispc.ie THE IPSC demand that the EU Suspend the EURO-MED agreement until Israel complies with human rights clause expressed in Article 2 Cancel upgrading of Eu-Israel relation Demand that Israel dismantle the illegal Apartheid Wall Cease giving Israel a veto over Rafah crossing Open diplomatic channels with democratically elected Hamas government in Gaza Support the national, democratic and human rights of Palestinian people STOP EU COLLABORATION WITH ISRAELI WAR CRIMES! The European Union is actively collaborating with Israeli state in the destruction of Palestinian people. despite gross human rights violation, war crimes, unceasing land theft, and ongoing breaches of UN Resolutions, the EU turns a blind eye and continues to engage in a special relationship with israel- a birthday present for a state built upon ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinian people. just like Israel and United States, the EU has the blood of Palestinian people on its hands. What can You do!? The ISPC is voluntary organization and is always looking for new people to get involved! For news update and info on campaign, such us BOYCOT ISRAELI GOODS, divestment and sanctions go to www.ipsc.ie The EURO-MED AGREEMENT Israel enjoys privileged access to EU market though the EU-Israel Agreement (aka Euro-Med) Article 2 of this Agreement makes clear that this privileged access is conditional on Israel respecting "human rights" which is said to constitute "an essential element of this Agreement". Israel has completely failed to respect the human rights of Palestinians, the most recent 400 civilian killed, number is grooving every day. Since the occupation began Gaza is considered in worst humanitarian crisis. Israeli actions as "collective punishment of the people of Gaza" Collective punishment of people under occupation is contrary to Art 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention There isn't the slightest doubt- by EU's own admission that Israel is in breach of its human right obligation and that Agreement should be suspended but us ever, the Eu refuses to hold Israel into account One is left wondering what has Israel to do in order to provoke EU into suspending the Agreement!?

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