Billions of lines of code in a single repository, SRSLY? by Guillaume Laforge

Фрилансерский Код-Дизайн JS
Фрилансерский Код-Дизайн JS

Google stores all its source code in one single monolithic repository! Imagine 25,000 software developers working simultaneously on 86 TB of data, including two billion lines of code in 9 million unique source files. Each week, there are as many lines of code changed as there are lines in the full Linux kernel repository. How does Google’s source code works at this scale? What are the advantages and drawbacks of such an approach? Come and learn about what it means to work on such a big mammoth repository. Guillaume Laforge is Developer Advocate at Google, in the Google Cloud Platform team. He's well-known for his decade-long work on the Apache Groovy programming language project, for which he serves as Chair of the Project Management Committee at the Apache Software Foundation. Guillaume is also a co-founder of the French tech podcast "Les Cast Codeurs". [YJP-1600]

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