Welcome to Russia!

Россия: АэроГид
Россия: АэроГид

The first airguide in Russia. Unique project. Fascinating aeroexcursion along the main streets of Russian cities and along their rivers. Highly professional and orderly video filming of settlements from a quadcopter with academic textual support. Recommended for viewing on large screens supporting 4K resolution. There are no age restrictions. The film features famous poems by Russian poets. The location of the video filming is the small city of Tambov in the European part of Russia and the Tambov region. Thanks to Oleg Belevitin for kindly and timely provided video materials. Yulia Kotina reads poems by Russian poets. Julia's pages: 1) https://www.youtube.com/@julia.kotina/ 2) http://julia.kotina.tilda.ws/ 3) https://vk.com/julia.kotina Poems used: Nikolai Gumilyov, "The Giraffe" (Alexey Tkachenko-Gastev) Alexander Blok, "There're the moments..." (Yevgeny Bonver) Alexander Pushkin, "My Talisman" (Julian Lowenfeld) Vladimir Vysotsky, "Our Sons Leave for the War" (Maya Jouravel) Sergei Yesenin, "Maple" (Alec Vagapov) Mikhail Lermontov, "In the wild and cold North" (Yevgeny Bonver) Bulat Okudzhava, "The Prayer of Francois Villon" (Yevgeny Bonver) Alexander Pushkin, "The Prophet" (Alan Myers) Marina Tsvetaeva, "I like that you are crazy not with me..." (Yevgeny Bonver) Mikhail Lermontov, "The Sail" (Dmitri Smirnov) Alexander Pushkin, "А Monument" (John Pollen) Mikhail Lermontov, "The Clouds" (Dmitri Smirnov-Sadovsky) Joseph Brodsky, "Star of the Nativity" (Joseph Brodsky) Sergei Yesenin, "Letter to Mother" (Alec Vagapov) Alexander Blok, "On the Field of Kulicovo" (Yevgeny Bonver) Alexander Pushkin, "The Poet" (Julian Lowenfeld) Alexander Pushkin, "The Captive" (Julian Lowenfeld) Athanasius Fet, "I have come to you, delighted..." (Yevgeny Bonver) Andrey Voznesensky, "The Saga" (William Jay Smith and Vera Dunham) Alexander Pushkin, "What is there in my name for you?" (Julian Lowenfeld) Andrey Voznesensky, "In a Telephone Booth" (Andrey Kneller) Alexander Pushkin, "I've lived to bury my desires..." (Maurice Baring) Sergei Yesenin, "Don't you force a smile, girl..." (Alec Vagapov) Nikolai Gumilev, "The Gates of Paradise" (Yevgeny Bonver) Alexander Pushkin, "To the Poet" (Alan Myers) Alexander Pushkin, "Elegy" (Alan Myers) Vladimir Mayakovsky, "Dear Lily! (Instead of a Letter")" (Andrey Kneller) Mikhail Lermontov, "From Goethe" (Yevgeny Bonver) Alexander Pushkin, "Oh spring, oh spring, oh time of love..." (Julian Lowenfeld) Alexander Pushkin, "A Winter Morning" (Julian Lowenfeld) Alexander Pushkin, "A Winter Evening" (Julian Lowenfeld) Bulat Okudzhava, "The Midnight Trolley Bus" (Yevgeny Bonver) Sergei Yesenin, "I do not regret, and I do not shed tears..." (Alec Vagapov) Alexander Pushkin, "I loved you once..." (Alan Myers) Alexander Pushkin, "Gift so futile, gift so random..." (Anthony D. P. Briggs) Eduard Asadov, "What is Happiness?" (Yevgeny Bonver) Alexander Pushkin, "To Chaadayev" (Julian Lowenfeld) Boris Pasternak, "Hamlet" (Yevgeny Bonver) Alexander Pushkin, "To ***" (Julian Lowenfeld) Alexander Pushkin, "It's time, my friend, it's time!.." (Julian Lowenfeld) Sergei Yesenin, "The golden birch-tree grove has fallen silent..." (Alec Vagapov) Alexander Pushkin, "Rebirth" (Julian Lowenfeld) Alexander Pushkin, "Life may not fulfil its promise..." (Anthony D. P. Briggs) Alexander Blok, "The girl was singing in a church choir..." (Alec Vagapov) Mikhail Lermontov, "Alone, I come to the road..." (Anthony Kline) Yaroslav Smelyakov, "If I'm suddenly sick..." (Yevgeny Bonver) Links: 1) https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTZiY3p0SnRJcmtCalgzZE5NN3BJR3A3X3UyUXxBQ3Jtc0trd2dVTHp5LUR3S0htSFVLMUVWN004a2o4dU1NbjQ1V05INENfbGp3UU0ycFlhSG5JdU1Odk43WVZpTWR3c0tEU1JaTllYUVdfQ0NxNUJwMmU2OUFmeEQzZFJrRGVrQVFzSXRzR3dLUUxWQm1ITGx5QQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.poetryloverspage.com%2Fyevgeny%2Findex.html&v=rzC4CxGWrbQ 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRDSGxSz8I4&t=875s 3) https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLU 4) https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=v 5) http://samlib.ru/a/as_w/indexdate.shtml Musical compositions: Party Like It's 1699 - Jon Algar Phantom Town - Off Cuts The Demon's Smile - Martin Klem 7 Magnets – Luwaks Beauty Of Kura - Vusal Zeinalov A Way of Life - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen Altar - The Undertowns Beachy - Gregory David Ballad in D Minor - Megan Wofford On the Bayou - Chris Shards A Quiet Storm - Lama House Smoke & Mirrors (Instrumental Version) - Martin Carlberg Our First Home - Eden Avery As I Dream - Johannes Bornlof Broadway Red Carpet - Mac Taboel Before I Leave - Donell Mase Reflection of the Sun - Anna Landstrom Condor - Dust Follows Fire, Then Nothing - Da Sein Face to Face – Liru Circus Leaving Town - Magnus Ludvigsson Some Kind of Animal - Tigerblood Jewel Fairy Snail Tale - Gary the Canary Any Sign - Hunting for Sunsets Boots of Glory - Sight of Wonders


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