Green syndicalism | Wikipedia audio article

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This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: 00:01:33 1 Early ecoanarchism 00:01:43 1.1 Henry David Thoreau 00:04:00 1.2 Élisée Reclus 00:06:40 1.3 Anarcho-naturism 00:07:49 1.3.1 France 00:10:32 1.3.2 Henri Zisly 00:11:57 1.3.3 Cuba 00:14:44 1.3.4 Spain 00:18:47 Isaac Puente 00:20:09 1.3.5 Other countries 00:22:25 1.4 Leo Tolstoy and Tolstoyanism 00:25:55 2 Mid-20th century 00:26:35 2.1 Leopold Kohr 00:30:24 2.2 Murray Bookchin 00:33:31 2.3 Jacques Ellul 00:35:48 3 Contemporary developments 00:36:11 3.1 Social ecology and Communalism 00:38:37 3.2 iGreen Anarchist/i 00:40:52 3.3 Fredy Perlman 00:41:35 3.4 Anarcho-primitivism 00:42:37 3.4.1 John Zerzan 00:44:44 3.4.2 iGreen Anarchy/i 00:45:48 3.4.3 iSpecies Traitor/i 00:47:23 3.5 Vegananarchism 00:48:35 3.6 Layla AbdelRahim 00:51:05 3.7 Total liberation 00:52:29 3.8 Derrick Jensen 00:55:45 3.9 CrimethInc. 00:57:20 3.10 Direct action 00:58:32 3.10.1 Convictions Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. Listen on Google Assistant through Extra Audio: Other Wikipedia audio articles at: Upload your own Wikipedia articles through: Speaking Rate: 0.9374593062855847 Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-B "I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." - Socrates SUMMARY ======= Green anarchism (or eco-anarchism) is a school of thought within anarchism which puts a particular emphasis on environmental issues. A green anarchist theory is normally one that extends anarchist ideology beyond a critique of human interactions, and includes a critique of the interactions between humans and non-humans as well. This often culminates in an anarchist revolutionary praxis that is not merely dedicated to human liberation, but also to some form of nonhuman liberation, and that aims to bring about an environmentally sustainable anarchist society. Important early influences were Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy and Élisée Reclus. In the late 19th century there emerged anarcho-naturism as the fusion of anarchism and naturist philosophies within individualist anarchist circles in France, Spain, Cuba, and Portugal. Important contemporary currents (some of which may be mutually exclusive) include anarcho-primitivism, which offers a critique of technology and argues that anarchism is best suited to uncivilised ways of life, Green syndicalism, a Green anarcho-socialist political stance made up of anarcho-syndicalist views, and veganarchism: which argues that human liberation and animal liberation are inseparable; and social ecology, which argues that the hierarchical domination of nature by human stems from the hierarchical domination of human by human.

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