Краткая история белых людей | Short History of White People

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“People at all times try to domesticate each other. Language is used to clobber and deceive others into submission and domestication. Ideas and arguments and stories are manufactured for the same. The modern world is no different in this regard from any wretched tribal society. I'm sure that Europe prior to the Bronze Age, before the coming of the Aryans, was similar to modern Europe. People lived in communal longhouses and were likely browbeaten and ruled by obese mammies who instilled in them socialism and feminism.” Bronze Age Pervert. “Bronze Age Mindset.” Мои предки улыбаются, глядя на меня. Ты можешь сказать то же самое? VIDEO CREDIT: https://twitter.com/LambdaDeltaJ http://t.me/ilcuorerusso MUSIC CREDIT: KE PLAYA x PSYCHOMANE - LVL DEATH

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